Magische Momente in ausgezeichneter Natur
Lassen Sie sich fesseln von der Wunderwelt des Dachsteins, von den Bergpersönlichkeiten im Landschaftsjuwel Salzkammergut. Auf unzähligen romantischen kleinen Steigen und Wegen oder auf bequemen und gut ausgebauten Wanderwegen lernt man die schönsten Fleckchen der Region kennen.
Familie, Abenteuer und Wanderurlaub
Ob hoch hinaus auf die Gipfel der Berge, entlang rätselhafter Erlebnisstationen oder durch mystische Wälder – die Möglichkeiten sind endlos. Unser diesjähriger Wanderangebot steht ganz im Zeichen von gemeinsamen Erlebnissen, unvergesslichen Momenten und der Freude am Entdecken. Nachfolgend haben wir für euch wieder Tipps um euren Wanderurlaub zu einem wahren Abenteuer für die ganze Familie zu machen und wie sich eure Kids die Zeit in den Sommerferien vertreiben können. Wir wünschen euch noch einen schöne Wanderzeit im Salzkammergut.
The large hiking portal
in the Salzkammergut at a glance
Hiking & unforgettable mountain moments: Mountain Moments 2024
Unforgettable nature experiences. Guided hikes you will never forget. Friendly hosts. And lots of events. Always with a lot of customs and tradition. This and much more is available at "Mountain Moments". Experience the mountains from a completely new perspective. It's time for a new adventure!
Hiking trails at a glance
In this section you will find the best walking routes, all tours at your fingertips, long distance trails, family tours, short trips for late risers and more offers at a glance.
Mountain Huts and Alpine
Fancy a glass of wonderfully fresh milk, accompanied by freshly baked farmhouse bread with bacon or fresh alpine cheese. Here you will find the most beautiful Alpine pastures, in the World Heritage region, for your family hike or Alpine pasture excursion.
“Glücksplätze” - Places of happiness
UNESCO World Heritage of Hallstatt Dachstein Salzkammergut | Places of happiness: Find the best areas of tranquillity, energetic places and relaxation points between lakes and mountains! Holiday for body and soul. Stock up now!
Unforgettable nights in the mountains
Why not combine an unforgettable hiking tour, around Lake Hallstatt, with a cosy night in a romantic mountain hut? Yes, why not indeed! Forego all the frills and get back to nature!
The “Dachstein Salzkammergut hiking friends“
Planning a walking holiday? Stay in accommodation owned by members of the Hiking Friends organisation, and you will want to come back again!
Fountain of Youth "Jungbrunnenweg" Trail in Russbach
Auf dem Erlebnisweg findet man auch Tipps für Gesundheitsübungen und einige Kinder-Waldspiele. Ein Wanderwg von 4,5 Kilometer länge. Einfach zu begehen. Die Gehzeit für den familienfreundlichen Rundwanderweg beträgt zirka 2 Stunden. Zu erleben gibt es u.a.: Tannenzapfen-Kegeln, Steinkugelbahnen und mehr...
Hiking with Betty
The guided tours will lead you to the most beautiful places around Lake Gosau and Lake Hallstatt. Betty will give you unforgettable moments!
Guided hikes in the Salzkammergut
Feel as a team. Enjoy conversations, laugh and move, get out of breath, arrive together and look down into the valley and enjoy the wonderful views.
Dachstein Salzkammergut Ticket
6 peaks - 1 ticket - The most popular mountain peaks in the region can now be reached with a single low-cost card. The discounted ticket is valid for the most beautiful peaks and views of the Salzkammergut all summer long. All information about the "Dachstein Salzkammergut Ticket".
Your Hiking Taxis in the World Heritage
Here you will find taxis around Lake Hallstatt and in the Gosau Valley that will pick you up from your hiking destination or take you to the starting point of your tour safely, comfortably and without complications.
"Home Bringer Hiking Taxi" Gosau
Hiking on the Zwieselalm from Salzkammergut to Salzburger Land and no clue how to get back? We have the perfect solution. Click here for information on the hiking shuttle.
Alm Taxi Gosau
Enjoyment without effort: With the Alm Taxi to the most beautiful alpine pastures in the Gosau Valley. This makes an excursion with friends or family even more fun. Just stick your thumb out and off you go.
Slow train Gosau
A special experience for both young and old alike. Slowly and unhurried through the Gosau Valley - time is irrelevant.
Safety Tips for Hiking
How do I prepare myself for a hiking tour? What do I take along in my backpack? What do I do and whom do I call during an emergency? Still have lots of questions? You’ll find the right answers here . . .
Natural spectacle - Here the landscape is the star of the show
Discover natural experiences in a class of their own: Unforgettable mountain trips with magical sunsets and rises or magical energetic places to suit every taste. Simply irresistible!
Hiking in Autumn
The autumn lures with its magnificent play of colours: it is the perfect season to hike and watch the impressive spectacle of nature. From leisurely walks and hikes for families to more challenging mountain hikes. A rummage is worthwhile!
Dachstein Salzkammergut Ticket
6 peaks - 1 ticket - The most popular mountain peaks in the region can now be reached with a single low-cost card. The discounted ticket is valid for the most beautiful peaks and views of the Salzkammergut all summer long. All information about the "Dachstein Salzkammergut Ticket".
Safety tips for hiking
All important safety tips for a relaxing hiking holiday in the Salzkammergut. In addition numerous videos and everything for the perfect hiking backpack. Safe on the mountain - join in!
Overview: Mountain Guides & Alpine Schools in the Salzkammergut
Whether it's a mountain tour or a climbing tour - beginner or advanced: Put together your personal programme and fulfil your dreams of conquering the summit in the world of the most beautiful mountains in the Alps with our mountain guides and alpine schools.
Overview of current trail closures
Whether it is construction or forestry work, it is not uncommon for footpaths to be blocked. It is best to be well informed. The editors have compiled a list of current trail closures and summarised them on one page. So you are well informed.
Your Hiking Taxis in the World Heritage
Here you will find taxis around Lake Hallstatt and in the Gosau Valley that will pick you up from your hiking destination or take you to the starting point of your tour safely, comfortably and without complications.
This might also interest you
Combined Ticket "Hike & Surf" at Lake Traunsee
With the new "Hike & Surf" combination ticket you can visit two highlights in Ebensee. The ride on the Feuerkogel cable car at 1,600 metres above sea level followed by surfing on "The Riverwave" in Ebensee.
Mountain events in the Salzkammerut
Breakfast on the mountains - guided hikes. The mountains are there to be conquered! From you. And we have the best mountain events for you. this is your time These are your mountains. Do something outside
The large selection: Hiking events at a glance
Guided family hiking tour
Feuerkogel, Ebensee
Guided snow shoe tour
Sat, Mar. 1, 2025 09:30 Dachstein-Krippenstein-Cable car, Obertraun
Natural spectacle “Löckenmoos” in Gosau
Tue, May. 20, 2025 09:30 — 16:00 Sports ground Gosau, Gosau
Counting sheep in Gosau
Sat, Sep. 27, 2025 09:00 Alpine Iglmoos (Iglmoosalm), Gosau
Hiking with Betty: Löckermoos nature experience on National Day
Sun, Oct. 26, 2025 09:30 — 16:00 Sports ground Gosau, Gosau
Search now for free accommodation to go hiking in the Salzkammergut
Hotels and accommodation providers in Hallstatt, Bad Goisern, Gosau and Obertraun offer the ideal room or apartment for your holidays, no matter what your tastes. Aside from establishments rated according to the international "star" scale, you will also find around Lake Hallstatt in Austria businesses that have been awarded two to four "edelweiss". The more flowers, the greater comforts you can expect. Whether you eventually find your cozy nest in an elegant 5-star luxury hotel, at comfortable guesthouse, a family-friendly apartment, or on a traditional farm, the choice is always entirely up to you.